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  • Wharfedale Naturalists

Saturday 20th July, 10:00am

Birding - Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve DN14 8HR.

Blacktoft Sands has the largest tidal reedbed in England and is home to marsh harriers, bitterns and bearded tits. Meet 10am at reserve, SE843233.

Please ensure you ring the Leader if planning to attend and cancel explicitly if you need to to do so. Please car-share if possible. Meet at site at time stated. Bring lunch, if desired. Bring RSPB /YWT card where appropriate. More details and directions from Leader.

Leader: David Smith - 07773 716930.

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Tuesday 2nd July, 7:00pm

Tuesday Evening Nature Walks -Barn Owl Walk. (weather dependent– detailed arrangements will be firmed up nearer the event by email) Meeting/parking place to be arranged nearer the time in light of nes

Thursday 4th July, 10:15am

Botany (Thursdays) - Litton, Crystal Beck. Meet 10.15am, roadside in Litton SD906741. Please car-share if possible - ring Bruce, or meet at venue. Bring packed lunch. Boots /wellies usually advisable.

Sunday 7th July (Morning), 10:00am

Improve your skills - Botany - Summer Flowers at Sun Lane Nature Reserve. Meet 10am Sun Lane Nature Reserve SE157464. Leader: Ian Brand 07854 888206. (Bring lunch if required)

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